Unforgotten Lives - Interactive Map and Unforgotten Lives: Clerkenwell walking app

Kocsis, Andrea (2023) Unforgotten Lives - Interactive Map and Unforgotten Lives: Clerkenwell walking app. [Show/Exhibition]


These two web apps were designed for the Unforgotten Lives: Rediscovering Londoners of African, Caribbean, Asian and Indigenous Heritage 1560 – 1860 exhibition at the London Metropolitan Archives. The Unforgotten Lives - Interactive Map, optimised for large screens, in the heart of the exhibition allows users to browse the dataset, focusing on individuals and locations. The Unforgotten Lives: Clerkenwell walking application, optimised for smartphone browsers, encourages visitors to interact with the indigenous heritage of London after leaving, extending the exhibit over the walls of the archives by directly exploring the city. The code is MIT license. Content is ©London Metropolitan Archives 2023. The code is available at @aurigandrea on GitHub.

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