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Number of items: 72.


Ball, Brian (2020) Defeating fake news: on journalism, knowledge, and democracy. Moral Philosophy and Politics, 8 (1). pp. 5-26.

Ball, Brian, Nagle, Fintan and Votsis, Ioannis (2020) Computationalism meets the Philosophy of Information (Special Issue). Springer, Review of Philosophy and Psychology.

Ball, Brian, Nagle, Fintan and Votsis, Ioannis (2020) Computationalism meets the philosophy of information. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 11. pp. 507-515.

Ball, Brian, Nagle, Fintan and Votsis, Ioannis (2020) Editorial: Computationalism Meets the Philosophy of Information. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 11 (3). pp. 507-515.

Bausch, Nils, Shilling, Peter, Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik, Okonor, Ogechukwu and Tewkesbury, Giles (2020) Indoor location and collision feedback for a powered wheelchair system using machine learning. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2019 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 1.

Bozhilova, Diana (2020) The Legacy Structure of Russia’s One Hundred Year Transformation. Europe-Asia Studies, 72 (7). pp. 1263-1265. ISSN 0966-8136

Bozhilova, Diana (2020) Moscow Rules. What Drives Russia to Confront the West. Europe-Asia Studies, 72 (8). pp. 1427-1429. ISSN 0966-8136

Brandi, G. and Di Matteo, T. (2020) A new multilayer network construction via tensor learning. In: Computational Science – ICCS 2020. ICCS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Nature, pp. 148-154. ISBN 978-3-030-50433-5

Brandi, G., Gramatica, R. and Matteo, T.D. (2020) Unveil stock correlation via a new tensor-based decomposition method. Journal of Computational Science, 46. ISSN 1877-7503


Canete, L., Giraud, S., Kankainen, A., Bastin, B., Nowacki, F., Poves, A., Ascher, P., Eronen, T., Alcindor, V., Jokinen, A., Khanam, A., Moore, I.D., Nesterenko, D.A., de Oliveira Santos, F., Pentillä, H., Petrone, C., Pohjalainen, I., de Roubin, A., Rubchenya, V.A., Vilen, M. and Äystö, J. (2020) Precision mass measurements of 67Fe and 69,70Co: Nuclear structure toward N=40 and impact on r-process reaction rates. Physical Review C, 101 (041304).

Chen, Xuechen (2020) Exploring the Dynamic Nexus Between the European Union’s Trade and Foreign Policy Toward East Asia. In: Global Politics and EU Trade Policy Facing the Challenges to a Multilateral Approach. European Yearbook of International Economic Law . Springer.

Chen, Xuechen (2020) Globalism or Nationalism? The Paradox of Chinese Official Discourse in the Context of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 26. pp. 89-113.


Fasko, Manuel and West, Peter (2020) The Irish Context of Berkeley's ‘Resemblance Thesis’. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, 88. pp. 7-31. ISSN 1358-2461


Grandjouan, Kate (2020) Refugees, Patriotism, and Hogarth’s The Gate of Calais (1748). Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 20 (3). pp. 287-303. ISSN 1473-8481


Haddad, Malik J and Sanders, David A (2020) Deep Learning architecture to assist with steering a powered wheelchair. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28 (12). pp. 2987-2994.

Haddad, Malik Jamal and Sanders, David Adrian (2020) Artificial Neural Network approach for business decision making applied to a corporate relocation problem. Archives of Business Research, 8 (6). pp. 180-195.

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David, Gegov, Alexander, Hassan, Mohamed, Huang, Ya and Al-Mosawi, Mohamed (2020) Combining multiple criteria decision making with vector manipulation to decide on the direction for a powered wheelchair. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2019 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 1.

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David, Ikwan, Favour, Thabet, Mohamad, Langner, Martin and Gegov, Alexander (2020) Intelligent HMI and control for steering a powered wheelchair using a Raspberry Pi microcomputer. In: 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS).

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David, Langner, Martin, Bausch, Nils, Thabet, Mohamad, Gegov, Alexander, Tewkesbury, Giles and Ikwan, Favour (2020) Intelligent control of the steering for a powered wheelchair using a microcomputer. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2020 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 3.

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David, Langner, Martin, Ikwan, Favour, Tewkesbury, Giles and Gegov, Alexander (2020) Steering direction for a powered-wheelchair using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. In: 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS).

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David, Langner, Martin, Omoarebun, Peter, Thabet, Mohamad and Gegov, Alexandar (2020) Initial results from using an intelligent system to analyse powered wheelchair users’ data. In: 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS).

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David, Langner, Martin, Thabet, Mohamad, Omoarebun, Peter, Gegov, Alexander, Bausch, Nils and Giasin, Khaled (2020) Intelligent system to analyze data about powered wheelchair drivers. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2020 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 3.

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David and Tewkesbury, Giles (2020) Selecting a discrete multiple criteria decision making method for Boeing to rank four global market regions. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 134. pp. 1-15.

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David and Tewkesbury, Giles (2020) Selecting a discrete multiple criteria decision making method for Boeing to rank four global market regions. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 134. pp. 1-15.

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David, Tewkesbury, Giles, Gegov, Alexander, Hassan, Mohamed and Ikwan, Favour (2020) Initial results from using Preference Ranking Organization METHods for Enrichment of Evaluations to help steer a powered wheelchair. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2019 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 1.

Haddad, Malik, Sanders, David, Thabet, Mohamad, Gegov, Alexander, Ikwan, Favour, Omoarebun, Peter, Tewkesbury, Giles and Hassan, Mohamed (2020) Use of the analytical hierarchy process to determine the steering direction for a powered wheelchair. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference 2020. Springer, pp. 617-630. ISBN 978-3-030-55190-2

Hartung, Tobias and Jansen, Karl (2020) Integrating Gauge Fields in the ζ-Formulation of Feynman’s Path Integral. Advances in Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. pp. 241-258. ISSN 2296-5009

Hartung, Tobias, Jansen, Karl, Leövey, Hernan and Volmer, Julia (2020) Avoiding the Sign Problem in Lattice Field Theory. Tuffin, B., L'Ecuyer, P. (eds) Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. MCQMC 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 324. pp. 231-249. ISSN 2194-1009


Ikwan, Favour, Sanders, David and Haddad, Malik (2020) A combined AHP-PROMETHEE approach for intelligent risk prediction of leak in a storage tank. International Journal of Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Application, 3 (2). pp. 55-61.

Ikwan, Favour, Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik, Hassan, Mohamed, Omoarebun, Peter, Thabet, Mohamad, Tewkesbury, Giles and Vuksanovic, Branislav (2020) Intelligent risk prediction of storage tank leakage using an Ishikawa diagram with probability and impact analysis. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications - Proceedings of the 2020 Intelligent Systems Conference IntelliSys Volume 3. Springer, pp. 604-616. ISBN 978-3-030-55189-6

Ille, Sebastian (2020) On Revolutionary Waves and the Dynamics of Landslides. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 20 (3). pp. 223-243.


Jansen, Karl and Hartung, Tobias (2020) Zeta-regularized vacuum expectation values fromquantum computing simulations. PoS LATTICE2019. p. 153.

Junior, Luiz Valle (2020) Lacanian Ethics, the Psychoanalytic Group, and the Question of Queer Sociality. interalia: a journal of queer studies, 15 (1). pp. 34-50. ISSN 1689-6637


Kemp, Sam (2020) The Documentary Drift: Lutyens, Cockington and Poetry. In: Walking Bodies. Triarchy Press, p. 242.

Khadka, Anita (2020) Capturing and Exploiting Citation Knowledge for the Recommendation of Scientific Publications. Doctoral thesis, The Open University.

Kjær, Lars (2020) Cæsar i middelalderen: Cæsars ånd. In: Cæsar: manden og myten. Aarhus University press, Aarhus, pp. 167-184. ISBN 978 87 7184 128 2

Kjær, Lars (2020) Glory and Legitimation in the Aristocratic Hall. In: Nordic Elites in Transformation, c. 1050–1250, Volume III: Legitimacy and Glory. Routledge, London, pp. 154-174. ISBN 9781003097143

Kjær, Lars (2020) Magnates, Ritual and Commensality at Royal Assemblies: Bogo de Clare and Edward I’s Easter Parliament, 1285. In: Edward I: New Interpretations. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 66-83.


Laassiri, Said, Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D., Bion, Nicolas, Catlow, C. Richard A. and Hargreaves, Justin S. J. (2020) Combination of theoretical and in situ experimental investigations of the role of lithium dopant in manganese nitride: a two-stage reagent for ammonia synthesis. Faraday Discussions, 229. pp. 281-296.

Lengyel, Balázs, Bokányi, Eszter, Di Clemente, Riccardo, Kertész, János and González, Marta C. (2020) The role of geography in the complex diffusion of innovations. Scientific Reports, 10 (1). p. 15065.


McGuinn, Jacob (2020) Saying ‘we’: George Oppen’s and Kant’s lyrical ‘common sense’. Textual Practice, 34 (10). pp. 1751-1768. ISSN 0950-236X

Mylonas, Dimitris (2020) Colour communication within different languages. Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London).

Mylonas, Dimitris (2020) Crowdsourcing of Multilingual Color Names. In: Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-7.

Mylonas, Dimitris and Griffin, Lewis D. (2020) Coherence of achromatic, primary and basic classes of colour categories. Vision Research, 175. pp. 14-22.

Mylonas, Dimitris, Griffin, Lewis and Stockman, Andrew (2020) Online versus offline colour naming experiments. In: London Imaging Meeting 2020.


Okonor, Ogechukwu, Adda, Mo, Gegov, Alex, Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik Jamal Musa and Tewkesbury, Giles (2020) Intelligent approach to minimizing power consumption in a cloud-based system collecting sensor data and monitoring the status of powered wheelchairs. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2019 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 1.

Omoarebun, Peter, Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik, Hassan, Mohamed, Tewkesbury, Giles and Giasin, Khaled (2020) An intelligent monitoring system for a crude oil distillation column. In: 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS).

Omoarebun, Peter, Sanders, David, Ikwan, Favour, Hassan, Mohamed, Haddad, Malik, Thabet, Mohamad, Piner, Jake and Shah, Amjad (2020) Intelligent monitoring using hazard identification technique and multi-sensor data fusion for crude distillation column. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2020 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 3.


Raghunath, Riyukta (2020) Introduction: The Genre of Counterfactual Historical Fiction. In: Possible Worlds Theory and Counterfactual Historical Fiction. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-26. ISBN 978-3-030-53452-3

Raghunath, Riyukta (2020) The dystopian counterfactual world and unreliable narration in The Sound of His Horn. In: Possible Worlds Theory and Counterfactual Historical Fiction. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 149-179. ISBN 978-3-030-53452-3

Raimondi, Sara (2020) Beyond ‘the most serious suspension of rights’ of Genoa: violence, anomie and force (of law). In: States of Exception. Routledge, pp. 184-202.

Raimondi, Sara (2020) An all-too-human future? Revolution, utopia and the many lives of humanity. Contemporary Political Theory.

Roberts, Max W. G., Sui, Guiping, Wu, Rui, Rong, Weifang, Wildman, Scott, Montgomery, Bruce, Ali, Ahmed, Langley, Steve, Ruggieri, Michael R. and Wu, Changhao (2020) TRPV4 receptor as a functional sensory molecule in bladder urothelium: Stretch‐independent, tissue‐specific actions and pathological implications. The FASEB Journal, 34 (1). pp. 263-286. ISSN 0892-6638

Robinson, Alistair (2020) All the Tiny Moments Blazing: A Literary Guide to Suburban London. The London Journal: A Review of Metropolitan Society Past and Present, 46 (2). pp. 215-217.


Sabastian, Luna (2020) Spaces on the Temporal Move: Weimar Geopolitik and the Vision of an Indian Science of the State, 1924-45. In: Conceptions of Space in Intellectual History. Routledge, London, pp. 105-27. ISBN 9780367405496

Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés and Chehonadskih, Maria (2020) The Global Distribution of the Ethical. CC:WORLD.

Sanders, David A, Haddad, Malik, Tewkesbury, Giles E, Thabet, Mohamad, Omoarebun, Peter and Barker, Tom (2020) Simple expert system for intelligent control and HCI for a wheelchair fitted with ultrasonic sensors. In: 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS).

Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik, Langner, Martin, Omoarebun, Peter, Chiverton, John, Hassan, Mohamed, Zhou, Shikun and Vatchova, Boriana (2020) Introducing time-delays to analyze driver reaction times when using a powered wheelchair. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2020 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 3.

Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik, Omoarebun, Peter, Ikwan, Favour, Chiverton, John, Zhou, Shikun, Rogers, Ian and Vatchova, Boriana (2020) Intelligent control and HCI for a powered wheelchair using a simple expert system and ultrasonic sensors. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2020 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 3.

Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik, Tewkesbury, Giles, Bausch, Nils, Rogers, Ian and Huang, Ya (2020) Analysis of reaction times and time-delays introduced into an intelligent HCI for a smart wheelchair. In: 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS).

Schuringa, Christoph (2020) Critical History and Genealogy. In: Nietzsche on Memory and History. De Gruyter, pp. 17-36.

Schuringa, Christoph (2020) Democracy and the Virus. The Philosophers' Magazine (90). pp. 95-100. ISSN 1354-814X

Smartt, Ursula (2020) Media & Entertainment Law 4th ed. Routledge.

Smartt, Ursula (2020) Media law for journalists. Routledge.

Spencer, Stephen J. (2020) Review of Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100–1118, by Susan B. Edgington (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019), with a short bibliography of recent books on the crusades. Reviews in History.


Tewkesbury, Giles, Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik, Bausch, Nils, Gegov, Alexander and Okonor, Ogechukwu (2020) Task programming methodology for powered wheelchairs. In: Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2019 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) Volume 1.

Tewkesbury, Giles, Sanders, David, Haddad, Malik, Omoarebun, Peter, Gegov, Alexander and Chester, Simon (2020) Creation of a NFC reading system for university attendance monitoring with accessibility considerations for powered wheelchair users. In: 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS).

Thabet, Mohamad, Sanders, David, Becerra, Victor, Tewkesbury, Giles, Haddad, Malik and Barker, Tom (2020) Intelligent energy management of compressed air systems. In: 2020 IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS).


West, Peter and Fasko, Manuel (2020) Molyneux's Question: The Irish Debates. In: Molyneux's Question and the History of Philosophy. Routledge.

White, Rhiannon R, Lin, Congping, Leaves, Ian, Castro, Inês Gomes, Metz, Jeremy, Bateman, Benji C, Botchway, Stanley W, Ward, Andrew D, Ashwin, Peter and Sparkes, Imogen (2020) Miro2 tethers the ER to mitochondria to promote mitochondrial fusion in tobacco leaf epidermal cells. Communications Biology, 3.

Wu, Chunyan and XIAO, JIAN (2020) Evolving Frames: British Newspaper Coverage of Repression and Resistance in China over Time, 1949–2009. Journalism Practice, 15 (4). pp. 544-565. ISSN 1751-2794


Zeinalipour-Yazdi, Constantinos D. and Lam, Kevin (2020) Linear correlation of vertical ionization energies and partial charges on acetaldehyde and methyl formate radicals in various solvents. Chemical Physics Letters, 746. p. 137311.

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