Items where Subject is "J Political Science > JC Political theory"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (514)
- J Political Science (67)
- JC Political theory (35)
- J Political Science (67)
Barrell, Callum Jack Arthur (2021) History and Historiography in Classical Utilitarianism. Ideas in Context . Cambridge University Press.
Ille, Sebastian (2014) The Dynamics of Norms and Convention under Random Matching. International Game Theory Review, 16 (3).
Ille, Sebastian (2022) Models of Society and Complex Systems. Routledge. ISBN 0367473976
Ille, Sebastian (2018) Nader Hashemi and Danny Postel (eds.) Sectarianization: Mapping the New Politics of the Middle East London: C. Hurst & Co., 2017, 320 pp. £18.99 pbk. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 18 (2). pp. 190-192. ISSN 14738481
Ille, Sebastian (2020) On Revolutionary Waves and the Dynamics of Landslides. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 20 (3). pp. 223-243.
Ille, Sebastian (2013) The Theory of Conflict Analysis. International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, 21 (2).
Ille, Sebastian (2012) A dynamical approach to conflict analysis. LEM Working Paper Series, 2012 (5).
Ille, Sebastian (2014) The dynamics of norms and conventions under local interactions and imitation. International Game Theory Review, 16 (03). p. 1450001.
Ille, Sebastian (2013) A simple model of conflict. LEM Working Paper Series, 2013/1, 2013 (1).
Junior, Luiz Valle (2022) Desire and its rule: Gender Trouble, the phallus and the ethics of psychoanalysis. Journal of Psychosocial Studies, 15 (3). pp. 187-200.
Lanius, David and Votsis, Ioannis (2021) Introduction to the Second Part of the Special Issue: Towards Foolproof Democracy: Improving Public Debate and Political Decision-Making. Moral Philosophy and Politics, 8 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2194-5616
Lanius, David and Votsis, Ioannis (2019) Introduction to the Special Issue: Towards Foolproof Democracy: Improving Public Debate and Political Decision-Making (PART I). Moral Philosophy and Politics, 6 (2). pp. 203-209.
Negri, Antonio, Chandler, David, Fuchs, Christian and Raimondi, Sara (2019) The appropriation of fixed capital: A metaphor? In: Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data. University of Westminster Press London, pp. 205-214.
Neill, Edmund (2021) Conservatism. Key Concepts in Political Theory . Polity Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781509527052
Neill, Edmund (2023) 'Ian Gilmour and One Nation Conservatism'. Revue Francaise de Civilsation Britannique (French Journal of British Studies), XXVIII (1). ISSN 2429-4373
Neill, Edmund (2022) 'Political Ideologies' in The Routledge Companion to Historical Theory, ed. Chiel van den Akker. In: The Routledge Companion to Historical Theory. Routledge Companions . Routledge Press, Abingdon, UK, pp. 397-413. ISBN 9781032117454
Oliva, Carlos and Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2023) Las tecnologias de subsunción en el capital. Ciencias sociales, 1 (44). pp. 31-44.
Piasentier, Marco and Raimondi, Sara (2022) The two faces of biopolitical theory: Genealogies and current approaches. In: Debating Biopolitics: New Perspectives on the Government of Life. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781800887961
Raimondi, Sara (2020) Beyond ‘the most serious suspension of rights’ of Genoa: violence, anomie and force (of law). In: States of Exception. Routledge, pp. 184-202.
Raimondi, Sara (2016) From Schmitt to Foucault: Inquiring the relationship between exception and democracy. Democratic Theory, 3 (1). pp. 52-70.
Raimondi, Sara (2022) Method to the madness: Reading Foucault between geometry and brackets. Contemporary Political Theory.
Raimondi, Sara (2020) An all-too-human future? Revolution, utopia and the many lives of humanity. Contemporary Political Theory.
Raimondi, Sara and Richter, Hannah (2024) Tracing lines between Deleuze and Négritude: A Vitalist Ontology of Postcolonial War Machines. In: Philosophy across Borders: Perspectives from Contemporary Theory. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9781032462912
Sabastian, Luna (2024) Savarkar's Miscegenous Hindu Race. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Sabastian, Luna (2020) Spaces on the Temporal Move: Weimar Geopolitik and the Vision of an Indian Science of the State, 1924-45. In: Conceptions of Space in Intellectual History. Routledge, London, pp. 105-27. ISBN 9780367405496
Sabastian, Luna (2018) Spaces on the temporal move: WeimarGeopolitikand the vision of an Indian science of the state, 1924–1945. Global Intellectual History, 3 (2). pp. 231-253. ISSN 2380-1883
Sabastian, Luna (2022) Women, Violence, Sovereignty: “Rakshasa” Marriage by Capture in Modern Indian Political Thought. Modern Intellectual History, 19 (3). pp. 757-782. ISSN 1479-2443
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2018) Bolivar Echeverria: Critical discourse and capitalist modernity. In: Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. SAGE.
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2023) Book review: Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization by Lewis Gordon. Sage.
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2022) Ser, Devenir, Subsunción: las raices Kantianas de una problemática Marxista. Valenciana, 15 (29). pp. 253-279.
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2021) Subsumption. In: The SAGE Handbook of Marxism. SAGE, pp. 609-630.
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés and Brito Rojas, Sandro (2014) Introduction to Bolivar Echeverria. Radical Philosophy (188). pp. 20-23.
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés and Chehonadskih, Maria (2020) The Global Distribution of the Ethical. CC:WORLD.
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés and Rojas, Sandro Brito (2018) Production=Signification: Towards a Semiotic Materialism. Language Sciences, 70. pp. 131-142.
Votsis, Ioannis and Lanius, David (2019) Towards Foolproof Democracy: Advancing Public Debate and Political Decision Making (Special Issue PART I). De Gruyter, Moral Philosophy and Politics.