Items where Division is "Social Science > Politics, IR, Sociology & Anthropology" and Year is 2021

Chen, Xuechen (2021) An Analysis of the Perception Gap between the EU’s Connectivity Strategy and China’s Belt and Road Initiative. L'Europe en Formation, n° 391 (2). pp. 78-93. ISSN 0014-2808
Chen, Xuechen (2021) Unpacking Normative Power Europe: EU promotion of security norm cluster in ASEAN. European Security, 31 (2). pp. 262-288. ISSN 0966-2839
Chen, Xuechen and Gao, Xinchuchu (2021) Analysing the EU’s collective securitisation moves towards China. Asia Europe Journal, 20 (2). pp. 195-216. ISSN 1610-2932
GAO, XINCHUCHU and Chen, Xuechen (2021) Understanding the EU’s changing trade policy strategy towards the Asia-Pacific region from a role-theory perspective. Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies, 13 (2). ISSN 1837-2147
Yiftachel, Oren and Rokem, Jonathan (2021) Polarizations, exclusionary neonationalisms and the city. Political Geography, 86.