Items where Division is "Humanities > Philosophy" and Year is 2018

Ball, Brian (2018) Commitment and obligation in speech act theory. In: Normativity and Variety of Speech actions. Brill, pp. 51-65. (Submitted)
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés (2018) Bolivar Echeverria: Critical discourse and capitalist modernity. In: Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. SAGE.
Saenz de Sicilia, Andrés and Rojas, Sandro Brito (2018) Production=Signification: Towards a Semiotic Materialism. Language Sciences, 70. pp. 131-142.
Votsis, Ioannis (2018) Putting theory-ladenness to the test. In: Cognitive Science Society Proceedings.
Votsis, Ioannis (2018) Theory-ladenness: testing the `untestable'. Synthese, 197 (4). pp. 1447-1465.
West, Peter (2018) Berkeley on the Relation Between Abstract Ideas and Language in Alciphron VII. Ruch Filozoficzny, 74 (4). p. 51. ISSN 0035-9599