Items where Division is "Humanities > Philosophy" and Year is 2015

Mäki, Uskali, Votsis, Ioannis, Ruphy, Stéphanie and Schurz, Gerhard (2015) Preface: EPSA13 Helsinki. Springer, European Philosophy of Science Association.
Mäki, Uskali, Votsis, Ioannis, Stéphanie, Ruphy and Schurz, Gerhard (2015) Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Science: EPSA13 Helsinki. Springer International Publishing.
Votsis, Ioannis and Schurz, Gerhard (2015) Unification and Coherence (Special Issue). THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science.
Votsis, Ioannis and Schurz, Gerhard (2015) Unification and Coherence Editors' Introduction. Theoria, CALIJ (Centro de Análisis, Lógica e Informática Jurídica) and the University of the Basque Country..
Votsis, Ioannis, Tacca, Michaela and Schurz, Gerhard (2015) Theory-Ladenness of Experience (Special Issue). Springer, Journal for General Philosophy of Science.
Votsis, Ioannis, Tacca, Michela and Schurz, Gerhard (2015) Theory-ladenness special issue: introduction. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 46. pp. 83-86.