Items where Division is "Humanities > History" and Year is 2020

Kjær, Lars (2020) Cæsar i middelalderen: Cæsars ånd. In: Cæsar: manden og myten. Aarhus University press, Aarhus, pp. 167-184. ISBN 978 87 7184 128 2
Kjær, Lars (2020) Glory and Legitimation in the Aristocratic Hall. In: Nordic Elites in Transformation, c. 1050–1250, Volume III: Legitimacy and Glory. Routledge, London, pp. 154-174. ISBN 9781003097143
Kjær, Lars (2020) Magnates, Ritual and Commensality at Royal Assemblies: Bogo de Clare and Edward I’s Easter Parliament, 1285. In: Edward I: New Interpretations. Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 66-83.
Sabastian, Luna (2020) Spaces on the Temporal Move: Weimar Geopolitik and the Vision of an Indian Science of the State, 1924-45. In: Conceptions of Space in Intellectual History. Routledge, London, pp. 105-27. ISBN 9780367405496
Spencer, Stephen J. (2020) Review of Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100–1118, by Susan B. Edgington (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019), with a short bibliography of recent books on the crusades. Reviews in History.