Items where Author is "McGuinn, Jacob"

Waterman, Sam, Grant, Charlotte, Maber, Peter, Renaud, Leighan, Lisica, Flora, Robinson, Alistair, Periyan, Natasha, McGuinn, Jacob and Elliott, Tomas (2024) Teaching London’s Past Today: An Experiential Approach to a Global City. The London Journal. ISSN 0305-8034 (In Press)
McGuinn, Jacob (2023) Lydia Davis / Maurice Blanchot, invisible. Post45. ISSN 2168-8206
McGuinn, Jacob (2022) Elegy, Form, and the Inorganic: Geoffrey Hill, Paul Celan, Ice. Twentieth-Century Literature, 68 (4). pp. 389-408. ISSN 0041-462X
McGuinn, Jacob (2021) "Into without image": Paul Celan reading the moving image. MLN, 136 (5). pp. 1237-1260. ISSN 1080-6598
McGuinn, Jacob (2020) Saying ‘we’: George Oppen’s and Kant’s lyrical ‘common sense’. Textual Practice, 34 (10). pp. 1751-1768. ISSN 0950-236X
Book Section
McGuinn, Jacob (2022) Paul Celan. In: Dictionnaire Maurice Blanchot. Classiques Garnière, Paris. (In Press)
McGuinn, Jacob (2022) Theodor W. Adorno. In: Dictionnaire Maurice Blanchot. Classiques Garnière, Paris. (In Press)
McGuinn, Jacob, Mucignat, Rosa, Perovic, Sanja and Ritchie, Nigel (2024) Radical Voices: Revolutionary Discourses of Translation (1782-1815). Routledge, London. (Submitted)
McGuinn, Jacob (2024) Reading at the Limits of Poetic Form: Dematerialization in Adorno, Blanchot, and Celan. Northwestern University Press, Evanston, IL. ISBN 9780810146983